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Re: Help! Does anybody know...

Posted by The Husband on 12/7/2005, 0:46:43, in reply to "Help! Does anybody know..."
Ok people, I see a lot of you have a misconception on what the military pays their reservists and how they handle other bonuses. First off we are aware of the commitment she signed up for. Also me being a military officer getting ready for my third deployment we were well aware that a deployment could happen. Going back to the pay and bonuses. Her enlisted pay (E-4) is not even in the realm of a car payment, let alone a mortgage payment. It's not even enough for her monthly student loan payment (she already has a Bachelor's degree). Second, the school and other benefits you guys talk about would be nice if the Army would ever pay up for what they already owe her. Here we are going on 1 1/2 years of her enlistment and the Army has yet to pay any of the bonuses on her contract. As for deploying, she isn't against it, but considering the Army sent her to school for 7 months for her current MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) it seems like a waste. Especially since the army sees her MOS as a critical one. As an Officer I see it as a mismanagement of resources. One last thing of note. In the last 1 1/2 years she has spent more than half of that on Active duty.


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