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Posted by tom on 12/7/2005, 12:37:26, in reply to "Here I was ready to let this go...."
because we expect the government to lie they are absolved from their part of the bargain?
See that is what p!sses me off. I get that when I was on active duty and because I volunteer for SOF, then I could expect to be sent in to harms way and I would be expected to die before I failled. BUT---I expected and deserved a recipricol amount of professionalism. I didn't hope that the government would thoroughly plan the use of me and my men, I expected and deserved it. I didn't think it would be nice to get VA benefits--which I haven't--I expect and deserve it. So, when you sign up for one weekend a month and two weeks a year unless there is a national emergency resulting in federalization, that doesn't, in my mind, mean that the government can change that agreement because they opted not to professionally plan a conflict of choice. Oh, and never ever admit that they didn't professionally plan it.. Again, my original question was at what point does the link become too tenuos to be credible? You get married--contract--love honor blah blah--how can you honorably get a divorce?


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