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Posted by Trace on 12/7/2005, 17:10:48, in reply to "I don't understand your point either"
"abominations in the sight of God" are you kidding me? Never mind, I know you are not. People like that make me want to scream.

I've never been in your shoes. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and so does my dh. However, growing up my parents best friends were a Mexican-American and caucasian couple. I never thought much of it except that I wanted skin the color of their kids LOL As I got older I saw the prejudice and racism that they did have to deal with occasionally. :( I used to get so frustrated b/c they were my friends and they were different in that they were unique, but no reason for ppl to think they were different in a "bad" way if that makes sense. In fact, I had the biggest crush on their son~he was HOT! LOL

This can be a soapbox issue for me, so I'll stop now. :)


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