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Soo NOT what I said

Posted by angela (from DC) on 12/7/2005, 17:03:59, in reply to "I don't understand your point either"
"So the only people who protest the war are middle class citizens of European descent "
NOPE. The MAJORITY of the pre war protest was limited to old school liberals.

"and those who fight are either poor or minorities?":

Don't believe me check out the DOD own demographics. A historical fact was Vietnam was a fought by the poor and minorities. Show me where college deferements were granted to parttime community college students ?

My bad for introducing the apples to oranges But this is how I see it: the people who "thought" they were exempt by virtue of job classification and since the pain is now being shared across the board by dang gum NOW "we've got to do something about that lying govermenment". As long as they thought they were exempt it wasn't a problem, keep cashing those itty bitty checks.


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