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The prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, why can't ....

Posted by Kristy on 10/11/2005, 0:44:54
First everyone relax, no stupidity here;)<P> I was wondering about the prisoners U.S. holds at GB. My idea for releasing them is this. We have the micro technology and tracking technology. Could we slip all of the prisoners a Mickey Finn? While they are all asleep. Two shots are given each prisoner; for redundancy. Injecting into deep muscle tissue micro tracking chips/with sound capability. Prisoners wake up. Happy days when they wake up they are told they are going to be released. They wake up on the planes bound the same way they came to GB. They are returned to the countries where they were captured. They scatter we track. Some go home and cause no problems some head for the hills. We track all and when interested monitor conversations. We are free of the prisoners and at the same time are able to receive good intel after awhile. Is this too simple or not?


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