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Re: That would be assuming that what we do would in any way...

Posted by KarenT on 10/11/2005, 10:52:27, in reply to "That would be assuming that what we do would in any way..."
But if we treat them badly because they treat our people badly, what are we fighting for? A standard of living? People in the US love to say its the best country in the world. Why? Because we can drive bigger cars and live in bigger houses? I hope not. I hope it is because we treat our people well. That we have rights and responsiblities that enable us to achieve that high standard of living. That we at least try to help those in need (I don't want to get into a discussion of all the ways we fail at that). But if we do not treat non-US citzens with the same kind of respect, then we are just a bunch of arrogant &*^%$%$.

I am not a bleeding heart liberal. They are prisoners and should be treated that way. But we should not resort to torture and the very methods that we claim we are trying to stop, because then you have to go back to the question What are we fighting for?


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