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Re: Good point, Gail!

Posted by marie-anne on 2/16/2006, 17:54:02, in reply to "Good point, Gail!"
when you're arrested, you have the right to an attorney, you have the right to a speedy trial, you have the right to a trial by your peers, you have the right to a lawyer.

when you're a detainee, you are never charged with a crime, you never get to see a lawyer, you are shackled at all times, you get forcefed. Yes, you're right, being a detainee is so much better than being arrested.

The question is not do terrorists deserve rights. (and lets not forget that most of these "terrorists" in guatanamo bay are in fact soldiers, or as the administration likes to call them, enemy combatants so they can ignore the geneva convention) The question is where do you draw the line for who deserves rights. Not very long ago a black person did not have rights and people would have used the same arguments as you have. Japanese Americans and Italians (and Canada is not blameless in this) a lot of them American citizens, had all their rights stripped away. THink that can't happen again? Maybe next year it'll be all Muslims. For the greater good ofcourse.

Most of these detainees are not bombers, they did not blow up buildings with innocent people in them. THey were rebels, fighting for their country, fighting for a system they believed in. Sound familiar? the American revolution was instigated by a bunch of traitors, if you asked the British government of the time.

Don't be so quick to strip people's rights. THe next rights that are stripped might be yours.


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