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I don't think cleaning up the abuse of one system is contingent upon cleaning up the other

Posted by Erika on 2/17/2006, 16:43:29, in reply to "To your point here is a specifc case"
Having horrible prison abuse at home is not unrelated to the detainee abuse. (yes, I will go so far as to assert that detainees are being abused. it's happening, above and beyond just detaining someone without trial and representation for 5 years) Yet it is not required that we clean up abuse our domestic prisons before enacting a cease and desist on military prisons/detainment facilities. I think the current scandals might help shed light on the state of our domestic prisons and therefore bring help to both.

This issue of prisoner treatment is especially troubling when we are locking up people for long minimum sentences for non-violent crimes that only involve self abuse and our prisons are seen as so horrible that numerous pop culture references indicate prison rape is seen as expected by the general populace. But hey, they're only prisoners, right? My vote is that rape is cruel and unusual pushishment, always, and should not be tolerated EVER.


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