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REAP the benefits? Reap?

Posted by tom on 12/6/2005, 21:42:35, in reply to "So the moral is...?"
what benefits exactly? what cash amount? how many dollars? Please don't blow sunshine up my buttocks--I understand why I was there---and I would rather be there than here I assure you--I don't understand why a reserve army national guard person trained in broadcasting is the next convoy casulaty---and people judge her on her reticence to go die doing something she never agreed to---and before we get particularly high and mighty about relieving the watch---way more people could sign up to relieve the watch than do sign up to relieve the watch---but that was not my question--my question was at what point does the link become too tenous

Time share in Aspen---you only pay for one weekend a month and two weeks a year--but when the owner of the timeshare miscaculates the you have to pay for it 360 days a year for as long as we want you to--who is in breach of contract


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