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adding a thought

Posted by Kristy on 12/7/2005, 5:03:48, in reply to "A contract is a contract"
If we the people were honest or would "get real" as Dr. Phil would say, our government (which is: WE The People) would reinstate the DRAFT! With a draft, there is service without contract or false expectations of what may or may not be required of a soldier.

I am old enough to remember when our country had a draft. I remember also that it had as many loop holes as IRS laws. It became a corrupted system with deferments and gender discrimination. We went to an "All Volunteer" service system. Which was based on freely choosing service. It is this freedom of choosing military service that makes it critically important for the government to honor it's contracts with those who have chosen to serve. If the government starts to freely breach it's contract with soldiers, then where is the incentive for the soldiers to choose to serve? Yes, many will and do serve out of pure love of country and they are to be honored. But a larger number choose to serve because of the educational benefits, bonuses etc. The government will not be able to meet it's manpower needs if they do not honor the contracts of those who signed up for service doing a specific duty, for the bonuses and other benefits. The Army already has trouble meeting their manpower needs. Sadly, if we are honest about this war on terror, we must bring back the draft. In a war, the burden of service should be shared by all classes of our society.


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