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Re: You almost sound critical...

Posted by Lisa a on 2/20/2006, 12:58:07, in reply to "Re: You almost sound critical..."
you wrote,
"that you can't fault the Chinese for wanting to be as prosperous and powerful as possible." I agree with you here :) and I don't fault China for wanting to be powerful. However I do fault China for the horrific (IMO) way it treats its citizens.

You also said "I would be open to feeling they might be right to repress reproductive rights - what's their alternative? " This is one of the horrific treatments I was talking about.....

One example is the forced abortion and torture of Mao Hengfeng, 43, a mother who disobeyed China's one- child policy. What a horrible law.

Are you saying how can China care for it's people if they don't repress reproductive rights ?

I would answer in many ways... they could use the money spent on defense to feed their people. They could give their citizens the right to emigrate. They could change their form of government and make the people responsible for feeding themselves. All simplistic answers but there are viable alternatives to reproductive repression .


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