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my brain was already running with

Posted by Tracy Y on 2/20/2006, 9:26:25, in reply to "whose moral code though?"
the beginning and main part of your post, I missed the last question. Which leads to a few more questions. How do we decide what the best long term goal is? How can someone without a good moral code strategize and extrapolate for the long term with the benefit of the whole in mind?

China's government is not focused on the people, on the whole. They're focused on themselves. It's a "me" vs. "all" mentality. Without integrity, etc., listed in my last post, people have a selfish bent, vs. a willingness to focus on others, which includes the future. Cuz lets face it -- until some miracle cure for death is found, the future doesn't hold us in it, so planning for the future has to be unselfish.


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