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I have more questions...

Posted by Chris (FL) on 12/13/2005, 15:46:04, in reply to "So yesterday I heard a thought provoking item on the radio..."
as I would offer(re: my posts to Quiche the other day) that there is proof positive that the news is currently significantly distorted, as rule by gross ommission of all the facts. So the question begs, does that not consitute deliberately lying about "it", whatever the topic maybe? So that is already in place, just not in relation to terrorist attacks (that we are aware of).

And we do use the information war tactic in other countries as well, to counter anti-American sentiment, etc., (and article on this @ NavySEALs.com this week)

but the real reason it's problematic?

you couldn't find a journalist that could keep a secret to save your life - now I know you're thinking it's their job to tell us - and most will attempt to claim it is "their duty" to write about that which they know - and of course, all for the "good of the people, though ironically, they have no issue abandoning that same duty in a nanosecond in favor of supporting a personal/preferencial agenda that takes precidence- and the "good of the people" is a lost cause now.

I would suggest further that their inability to keep a secret has not a thing to do with their duty - as is the case for many people, it's simply all about the personal attention it will garner -(and specific to this occupation the career it could make)

and Erika's point - the intentional "discrediting or minimizing by design", so the pertinent/valid point is taken less seriously by those who didn't overtly analyze the introduction of the guest - is that not lying as well?


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