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Well, thinking strategically.....

Posted by Tracy Y on 12/14/2005, 2:19:41, in reply to "It's not what we don't know...."
What do we do when we listen to the news? Are we reactive or proactive? What do you need to know to be reactive? What do you need to know to be proactive? And who's in control of your actions, be they reactive or proactive?

I feel like I'm always mentioning choice here on the board, but I think it is our greatest privelege and right, and we forget its importance and significance. We can CHOOSE whether we will be reactive or proactive. We can CHOOSE whether or not we will be afraid or feel safe. We can CHOOSE whether or not we want to be sensationalists or pragmatists.

When we forget that we have a choice or CHOOSE not to exercise the right of choice, we become one of the followers, blindly following and being manipulated by those who CHOOSE not to follow or be manipulated. Because there are leaders and followers. We're either one or the other. As a leader, we can choose HOW and WHAT we lead. As a follower, we can choose HOW and WHAT we follow. And if any of us are NOT making that choice, then our choice has been to not care enough to become educated and really evaluate the best course of action for ourselves.

So I'm not buying into this "FEAR" concept anymore. I'm sick of hearing about it. The WHOLE CONCEPT of FEAR takes away from our power of choice. And I don't, for one minute, believe that we don't have a choice how we believe or how we feel. Let's be real and activate ourselves in a way that we CHOOSE to, that will make our lives, and the lives of our children, better.

Whether or not the news reports on the latest disaster, or which celebrity has the biggest blemish this week, or who cheated with whom and who's getting a divorce, is NOT the issue. The ISSUE is WHAT WE DO WITH THAT INFORMATION. No more passing the buck! We need to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions.

Wow! I'm away for the board for a few days, and I just can't shut myself up! :D


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