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arcade games

Posted by tom on 10/17/2005, 12:21:04, in reply to "Tom?"
there are a couple of them that are pretty good. Anything that makes you shoot at popups--yeah, I know that sounds a bit goofy, but the idea is to find was to replicate the acquire shoot sequence so you can do it hundreds to thousands of time, and that gets expensive with real bullets. Our shoooting is almost exclusively at pop up or moving targets. I don't know where you are shooting, but another way to do it is to paint a target different colored shapes (cirle square) or if you are outside, have differnt types of target (plate, pumkin, can etc) then have someone call out what you are to shoot at unequal intervals--inside use either the shape or the color--so if there is a blue star, either blue or star directs you to the target---not sexy but it works


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