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Right now I'm stuck

Posted by Deborah on 10/17/2005, 12:28:47, in reply to "arcade games"
on a static firing range. Strictly straight line paper targets on a motor driven back and forth device. Lighting sucks and distance only goes to about 30 yards.

There's an outdoor range in the next town over, but that's basically for sighting in rifles (100 yard) but again, static. No pop up anything at the moment.

I'm trying to see if they have a CQB range/kill house set up on Redstone Arsenal, but as a civilian I can't really see that they would let me use it.

There are times that living in a city really sucks.

You got any preference for games? I hear there is something out called SOCOM SEALs (I think there are three different scenarios currently available). Does it have to be IN an 'arcade'? Or would a playstation/xbox home version do? Hanging out with the kiddies at the mall would just be too creepy and the noise level would make me want to shoot some of the little darlings for real. ... yeah I know ... I am so totallly NOT good grandma material.


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