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Re: When our country was new and

Posted by Lisa on 9/25/2005, 0:52:45, in reply to "When our country was new and"
When our country was new you and I couldn't have had a say so it surely wasn't perfect. :) I think once citizens basic needs are met you get a lot less participation.

I'm a firm believer in speaking to congress when there is an issue or bill you care about. I agree that if enough people speak up about a certain issue it may effect that issue . But to what result? say 5,000 people write pro gun control and 5,000 people write pro the right to bear arms.

I emailed 32 US senators and called 2 about something I cared about.(must have been a caffine day) from that I received the standard reply email, or letter, or an email that says they will only respond to constituents. The ones I called I spoke with staff who said they would convey my message.

If you write the president you will get a nice form letter that says yad yad ayd but it's cool to get presidential stationary. :)

If you email the DOD you may (like I did ) get a reply 6 months later that says they are looking into the matter.:(

If you call public affairs for the Department of the Navy like I did and ask for the Secretary's(of the Navy's) fax number they ask you why you want it? I had to promise not to post it on a website in order to get it, that and tell them I'd call my congressman for it.

It won't stop me.. but you have to decide how much time you are willing to devote and what changes you want to make and what are you wiling to do to effect those changes.

Are you willing to join a like minded group like the NRA and lobby as a group? Are you willing to join a political group? Protest for your belief? Campaign for a candidate ? Run for office yourself.There's always Civil Disobedience that could be fun until the handcuffs.


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Contact Donna if questions or concerns.