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Tom-Question re: Israel

Posted by Kellis on 9/14/2005, 17:46:27
Hi Tom: What would you suggest the Israelis do about terrorists? The perception in the US seems to be that Israel is a very dangerous place to be but my daughter spent 6 weeks there in the summer of 2001 and felt safer there than here. What does a country do when surrounded by millions of people who openly call for their elimination? The PA doesn't seem to be interested/capable of controlling Hamas, etc. I don't buy the idea that the problems in the territories are the fault of the Israelis. The Arabs living in those areas were given the same chance by the UN to have their own nation in 1948 and they didn't take it. They were betrayed by their own leaders not the Israelis. That there are still people living in refugee camps is a shame but it is a problem that the PA could have solved if their leaders didn't steal so much of the money that the UN and other nations have poured into the area. Short history lesson - the JNF(Jewish National Fund) and individuals paid for the land Jews settled on prior to 1948 it was not stolen from the Arabs who lived there.
I'm just curious what you think Israel should do now about terrorists who are intent on killing as many Jews as they can. Thanks, Kellis


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