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Re: Hey Guys, I have a Polititcal Science Question for you

Posted by tom on 2/16/2006, 17:22:20, in reply to "Hey Guys, I have a Polititcal Science Question for you"
Angela makes a great case for looking to the numerous precedents in history---The Alien and sedition acts are my personal favorite--along with the Japanese internment camps. and, as long as you don't want to get wrapped up in the truth, you could make the case that while those types of activities were being carried out, there were no acts of sabotage (the fear of the day) Little known fact that while at CINCLANTFLT I was both the antiterrorism officer and the antielephant officer--every day I put an anti elephant capsule in front of the base and low and behold--we were never attacked by elephants in the 30 months I was there. But I digress--
the question in my mind is: What rights have we removed from them? What rights do we still allow them to have? Now, given that we let them have some rights--what is our reasoning for taking the others away? It might help to familiarize yourself with the sections of the Geneva convention dealing with POWs


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