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Maureen , thanks for posting the above article

Posted by Lisa A on 1/30/2006, 13:19:50, in reply to "Re: Tom, would you share your thoughts on Hamas winning the Palestinian elections? "
No we don't have to like Hamas and they were elected fairly. I also think we(US and EU) don't have to give aid or attempt to broker a peace deal.

This stood out for me "However, Hamas has said it has no plans to disarm and has rejected Western threats to cut aid as "blackmail". I don't see it as necessary for Hamas to disarm but I do see it as necessary that they denounce (and live up to that denounciation)terrorism and their goal of destroying Israel.

I don't see cutting aid as blackmail I see it as chosing where our funds go. For a country with a GDP of only approximately 4.5 billion , one billion in aid is substantial. I would love to see a government in the Middle East put the interests of the people before the interest of the rulers.


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