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My analogy for the day (A little graphic):)

Posted by Andrea on 12/7/2005, 8:48:13, in reply to "Question about Lisa's Palestinian thread"
I think of torturous, cruel countries and dictatoships as large rabid dogs, easy to spot and definably problematic.

And terorists as litle ants, hard to spot until they have climbed into your personal space and bitten you.

In my little analgoy sometimes the rabid dogs work with the ants. So if you get bit by a dog you hunt it down and kill it, take off its head and study it for research.

But for ants, you can't go set their mounds on fire, becuase they will just pick up their mounds and move them somewhere else. You have to get to their root; you have to get to their queen. Once you have done that you have effectively destroyed that colony.

So after 9/11 I thought it was like the ant that bites that one person who is allergic to ants. And the situation was a lot more deadly than usual and before. So instead of reacting like we should have...treating terrorists like the annoying litle ants they are, we hunted them down like rabid dogs trying to blow up these tiny things with bazookas.

I realize that my analogy has some flaws, but when I see definite rabid dogs left alone (Iran) while we expend so much effort on ants (terrorists) I just shake my head at the process.

And on a lighter note:

Q* Why does a chicken coop have 2 doors?

A* Because if it had 4 doors it would be a chicken Suburban ;)


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