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Question about Lisa's Palestinian thread

Posted by Janet W. on 12/6/2005, 20:49:26, in reply to "question from saturday brought up from below"
Lisa said that nothing had done more for the Palestinian cause than the death and destruction caused by Israeli retaliation. That's where the Doctor Phil quote comes in: "You're right! But how's that working for you?" Would you then agree with her that Zarchawi's downfall may be that he is killing his Muslim brothers: witness his claiming responsibility for the attacks in Jordan

My question: should an important part of our response be to consider that their hubris - to their own people - may contain the seeds of their eventual destruction?

Lastly, I may be naive but I think our response to terrorism should be very much like our response to natural disasters like earthquakes (good, credible, working responses i.e., don't use Katrina as an example of what to do). Pick yourselves up, rebuild and get on with life in the United States.



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