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Hi, Jennifer (Phoenix)!

Posted by kerrit on 10/19/2005, 11:49:22, in reply to "Hi Everyone & a ? for Tom "
Always nice to hear from others who hang out here! Please join in the fun when you can.

As far as flying, my fear goes way back, before 9/11 - I hate flying and get all worked up when I have to (which hasn't been very often), making myself physically ill at the thought. No matter how much I try to convince myself to calm down, it's easier said than done. I hate that trapped feeling, and not being in control. Not much help in answering your question, but I know how you feel. Perhaps I'll get some good hints on dealing with my fear here, too!



Temporarily archived without permission from Suzanne Brockmann's Message Board.
Contact Donna if questions or concerns.