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question for Tom re equipment

Posted by marie-anne on 10/7/2005, 19:53:04
Since I've never asked a question before, I thought maybe I could sqeak one in. It's research for the book I'm writing by the way.

Here's the scenario: you've got a choice between a HK9mmUSP or a Browning HiPower. One fully loaded magazine each, nothing else. Which would you prefer, and why? Right now, my character leans towards keeping the Browning and pawning the HK off on the other guy, but it be nice if I could have some good reason for her to keep one or the other based on actual experience rather than what I can figure out from Guns & Ammo.

Oh wait, just realized, the HK does not have a fully loaded magazine. Okay, so the HK is four bullets short of a full mag but it has a Brugger & Thomet Impuls IIA Surpressor.

And if anyone else has any opinion, please share. From the posts below, I gather some of you actually have weapons. (Which to me, as a Canadian, is really freaky. lol)

Thank you. :)


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