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Re: Again I addressed only the statement...

Posted by Andrea on 10/7/2005, 8:46:17, in reply to "Re: Again I addressed only the statement..."
I am not sure why you felt it necessary to explain to me the history of WWII, which I am well aware of, or why you are explaining to me the implementation of democracy on post WWII countries.

I understand that. I am trying to suggest that posters should avoid sweeping generalizations, like "democracy cannot be forced by point of spear." That is exactly what happened after WWII , NOT what is happening in Iraq today. As you said we are not indiscriminately bombing civilians (despite what Al Jezeera reports) and we are not trying to destroy the faith of the masses. My whole statement ONLY addressed the statement of democracy by point of spear and I do not understand why that is misconstrued.

I am trying not to feel insulted that you feel it necessary to reiterate facts I know, while seemingly supporting my point.


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