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Re: so wait a minute here please

Posted by tom on 10/4/2005, 21:21:28, in reply to "so wait a minute here please"
"we've progressed so our interpretation of the constitution has changed? irrespective of the document?”—no, that is not my argument—my argument is that if you think in time—both forward and backward—you could get a more accurate idea of how there perspective would translate

“Being better off than the rest the women in the world is simply not the same as being included with the men” today you are correct, but then? I have watched old women riding in the back of pickup trucks in 100 degree heat—clinging to the side rail as six young men sat in the cab’s air-conditioned interior—so, I think that relative treatment is important—is it justification? Well---you are product of your environment—and movement to rise above that—I think it is laudable


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