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Tom and Janet W

Posted by Arlene/tajt10 on 9/29/2005, 13:32:07, in reply to "Really too hard to answer"
I hardly post here because I feel what I say is not as smart or coherent as most people on the BB. Not always the case. I know I'm not stupid and I have opinions to share but...Almost 3 years ago, I had a stroke and since then my brain has not been functioning as well as I would like it to. I cannot always properly convey what I want to and sometimes it just frustrates me beyond belief. Janet, thank you for your encouragement the other night while we were chatting. Tom, your posts always make me think long and hard and I like how you always encourage people to be positive and when you said "hearing that some of you are thinking about your lives a little different by thinking WWSD" well, I just had to jump in and let you know that for some reason, today, right now, that made me want to speak up and say thanks. Yes, it took me a good long while to post this (which only made my migraine worse!) but I'm glad I did. Re-reading my post for the nth time to make sure I'm actually making sense - don't ask me why but it made me very emotional and weepy. Ack! Going now to compose myself....


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