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squeamish alert--Okay--so

Posted by Tom on 9/29/2005, 11:25:31, in reply to "you got the wrong guys"
we are at a Team guy party-- I forget the exact reason but we are at a house on a lake. Bunch of new guys there--a few of them vry impressed with themselves which is always a bad thing to be as a new guy-- just doens't bode well. So there is one guy who is particularly full od himsefl and is excuding "You can't hurt me" and he just happens to have a nipple ring---which among other things he has been doing is a particular annoyance to the Senior CHief that owns the house. So I get the "Hey Sir, have you seen the living room?" Which I had about a hundred times. but in I go. Well all the other O's at the party are in the living room and a couple of gals are in there serving drinks. This is code for, "You gentleman need to converse with these ladies as they are your plausible deniability, and don't be too concerned with anything outside this room" So we are sitting and chatting about Officer things and the guys are having a great time outside. You can tell by the peels of laughter and shreeks of joy. Just a lot of fun--now, allegedly had one of us officers looked out the window it is rumoured that we might have seen yon new guy with his wrist zip tied to his nipple ring,

being chased around the yard

by guys with sticks

until he fell

and his natural protective instinct caused him to put his hands out to break his fall

but I wouldn't know anything at all about that---


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