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Re: Do I really want to know?

Posted by tom on 9/27/2005, 22:41:09, in reply to "Do I really want to know?"
1. " I tend to appreciate women for there intellect the strong sense of values and professionalism." So where were you when I had to explain to my Father in law that I was not marrying my wife for her breasts????In the small clump of trees about two hundred meters south. Had your back in case you slipped up and told the truth

2. Hottest woman "Currently Martha's Vineyard" I took this to mean your wife. I liked you before - Like you and respect you much more now!

3. "Ft Lauderdale Municple Jail---30 guys, one working toilets two unworking toilets and six iron racks--yeah buddy no doubt about it. You don't really sleep---you just kind of rest--so it is hard to say" Can we know the story??? Not mcu of story--was ther on a training trip for college swimming--left the Hall of Fame Swimming pool--went ot a bar--pounded down two 24 oz beers and went out on A1A to hitch hike back to the hotel---coach would have never missed us if it wasn't for the police cruiser and law against hitchhiking---did yoo know it takes four hours to book you and get you to a cell during which time you can't pee?Spent the night in the drunk tank once but dealing with my wife was far worse. She has no pitty on the drunk...dragged me out of bed at 530am the morning after my 21st birthday to go running! Yet I still love her???? my mother did a similiar thing except it was swim practice

4. "two best whiskeys--one after I finished Hellweek and one after my leading my first raid" I get this! My father-in-law took me out for scotch after our daughter got out of the NICU! Not the best scotch but the best I had ever tasted!

5. Food you were dying for when you came in from the field? Oddly ususally a salad or fruit---Worse thing you had to eat (besides bugs) in the field? Well its a toss up---I was eating a meal with some Green Berets and local Afhgannies and the Green Beret was picking the lamb fat chunks out of the rice. I was like "Why you doing that?" He says,"I don't know where they get shrimp in Afghanistan but I ain't eatin it--" I din't either--from then on...or it could of been a cow in Bolivia--accidental shooting death--had to eat the evidence--not USDA Prime Longest time without food?--Not long, that is a Ranger thing. Funny story--We are watching the news in Kuwait getting ready for the big push--in the early February--there was a story on about the shortage of MREs in theater and how most people could only get one MRE a day--which was true---oh, we were stuffed to the gills on our fourth straight day of steak and lobster---damn that guy that didn't order enough MREs

6. Read that your wife makes cookies. Does she leave your kitchen looking like a hell hole like mine does? (Love you Sam!!!!)To little too late--nice chatting with you though

7. Want to learn how to sail...How would I go about doing that? Of course the wife gets sea sick...don't tell her I told you! Ask her about being on a cruise 16 weeks pregnant! The way I did it was tell a buddy I knew how to sail, borrow his boat and see what happens

8. By the subject of the post...Did/do you chew? Only in the field, on patrol or on the range


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