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Most of that

Posted by tom on 9/28/2005, 13:15:58, in reply to "Per my reaserch in one of Dick C's books, SEALs go out of thier way in Ranger/Jump school to do "
Is exaggerated...it was like that in jump school for a while, but then the Army started throwing people out and wouldn't let them return---no jump school no Trident. I have not been to Ranger School but know a lot of folks who have and they say its a ball buster---but line, if you can make a Ranger look like a wuss--you're a better man than me. Now, we do have fun with them because they don't have the latitude that we have--but they are great guys. In my experience nothing but absolute professionalism rolls over into joint ops. I might put hot sauce in your ice cream, but once we lock and load ain't no way I am letting you down and I'm not even concerned cause I know you won't let me down


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