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About the SPAM, life and the universe...

Posted by Suz Brockmann on 9/27/2005, 12:20:51
Hey, gang.

I just can't figure out how to get rid of the spam. I've tried ignoring it, but we seem to be getting more and more now.

I've had the board admin ban the IP addresses of the spammers, but their IP addy is different every time. Sigh.

I think I'm going to take Janet's advice and set the board on a "no links" setting. This means that spammers won't be able to create a direct link, but you won't be able to either. (sorry!) You can still post a URL that folks can cut and paste. (As can the spammers, but it will take more time to do) Let's try this for a bit, see if the spammers disappear, shall we?

Oh, and also -- although I encourage people to post their email addresses in the spirit of standing up and being counted and accountable for opinions, let's refrain from that for a while, too, okay? Unless you have a special email address set up for BB posting, which is another option.

Last but not least, let me make it very clear: I love the depth of the discussions on this board. (And that includes discussions of recipes and hints for surviving menopause, as well as talk of books and the public education system. It's all good, IMO.)

Without diversity and differing opinions, life would be one big "me, too" post. LOL! Bor-Ring!

AND -- it's no secret that I'm passionate about America. I love my country fiercely. But I'm also a card-carrying progressive and a gay rights activist. (As the mother of a gay son, how could I be anything less?!?!) Frankly, I'm concerned with the direction America has been heading over the past few years because it feels to me as if my voice (and by this, I mean the people who are speaking for me -- my legislators and representatives, as well as regular, grassroots organizations) hasn't even been given the courtesy of an audience with the people who hold the power. It feels to me as if those who are in power don't want to listen to any other points of view. I see that as a big problem.

Because I believe with all my heart that people need to talk to each other -- and they need to listen to each other. Really listen and try to understand -- and then to find common ground. (It's been wonderful to see you doing this on this board!!!)

IMO, the "divide" among Americans has been hyped up (by people who stand to profit in some way from conflict and controversy. The media, for example. I've had some direct experience in the sensationalizing of information for the sake of creating argument and conflict...) and the result has made us think we have a hugely different set of beliefs and values, but I strongly believe that we-the-people are WAY more alike than we are different. But it's only when we talk to each other -- and LISTEN to each other -- that we can come to see this.

Since this board started, we've gone thought lots of different cycles. We've survived all kinds of trolls and disappointments. And the folks I consider to be "BB regulars" have come -- some finding this board with an often loud explosion of joy and enthusiasm, some lurking for months and even years before posting -- and some have gone on their way, too. Some have stayed. You know who you are. LOL!

I've had the pleasure of meeting many of you in person -- what a treat that's been for me. But the biggest treat has been watching you find each other. What incredible friendships have been formed -- what an amazing gift the internet has been, don't you think?

Bear with the spam -- it too shall pass. (I hope! LOL!)

See Kamy's post below re: Tom. Yes, he really is Tom Rancich, and although I haven't posted much lately, I've truly enjoyed his visits here. Dude's pretty smart. And funny. I hope he sticks around. I hope the rest of you do, too!

I've got to get back to Jenk's outline.

Love and hugs,
P.S. Oh. Did I say... Jenk?


Temporarily archived without permission from Suzanne Brockmann's Message Board.
Contact Donna if questions or concerns.