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Okay, not arguing but:)...

Posted by Brenda/qmih on 9/24/2005, 13:03:09, in reply to "Here's an opinion on how it relates to state law."
the bill of rights"

Article II: A well REGULATED Militia being necessary to the security of a FREE state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, Shall not be infringed"

Okay my debate: as defined, the Miliita is the PEOPLE (that is you and I)....Also states that it is the PEOPLE's responsibilty to maintain and arm the Militia.....You and I are responsible for training You and I...I have a responsibility to make sure you are armed and trained to be armed:)Not a responsibility to stand by while Article IV is being broken. Basically: "search/seizure...without warrants/swearing an oath" etc....so what LA is saying is that they are over riding the Bill of Rights and if you don't like it by gum by golly we will arrest your butt..because we make up the laws as we go along and all else be damned....we have nothing to stand on but we will do it because smart Government that we are, we have not trained/and armed you (if you are to poor to do it your self)as we are required to do and as the Founders outlined. And what really puzzles me is that there is no case that actually backs this up....meaning noone stood up and said "NO< HELL NO" you are not going to take this from me....whether it be a gun or a toothpick...sigh...
sounds like a solid case of hegemony to me....shaking head sadly
And my other thought was what if: since you and I have done are duty and trained Tom and armed him....law enforcement shows up at his house and says you have to give me A/B/C or you are giong to jail....what are they going to do with him when he refuses....he can state that he was trained/armed properly by his people/militia...therefore "get lost you schmoo's"...we may not be able to uphold Article II due to the government not providing us with proper training etc...what do they do with Tom and the rest of the trained people?


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