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although, let me add..

Posted by Brenda~QMIH~ on 9/5/2005, 15:38:50, in reply to "Battered women"
he didn't go there because of his life experiences.. He didn't get it due to his....experinces...(my words again...not his) He wouldn't dream that someone could actually do that to him..(hence his comment to me..."why are you differentiating") It's inconceivable to him....because he has been trained to be bigger/badder than the rest....not to mention (and this is not a dis)...since he is a man...the likelyhood of him getting the slop beat out of him is slim...not saying it doesn't happen, but 95% of REPORTED dv is against women....I am sure that is highly under reported for men...men don't very often want to admit they are being battered...they feel it is unmanly to say...she is beating on me...and to be truthful...when they do report....it's embarrassing for them....I know what Tom was thinking....that is why I thought this out before I started it...I didn't want him to think I was attacking....just imparting the facts....and because he did start me thinking...always a good thing to do:)


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