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Posted by Mary on 9/5/2005, 14:57:13, in reply to "Tom, I have puzzled and puzzled till' my puzzler is sore..."
1) how many of you know a battered woman?

I know a battered woman.

2) what are the odds that batterers counseling will work?

Don't know odds. I would think that forced counseling does not work. You must acknowledge there is or you have a problem, then seek change and help.

3) how many times does she leave and go back...(this is a gimme...I already said this)

Some never, some many. To difficult to answer as worded.

4)where is the most dangerous place for a woman to be?

In own home.

5) anyone know what the odds are that you will be attacked by an intimate as to a stranger?

High for someone you know vs stranger - 90/10?

6) why does she stay? anyone who gets this right moves immediatley to the valedictorians positon..

Lack of or low self-esteem/self worth/self confidence with feelings of powerlessness and isolation? This is too hard a question to answer in this fashion - pardon extremely short answer.


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