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Great Work

Posted by Tom on 9/3/2005, 9:28:47, in reply to "yeah not fond of the starting position"
and I think your stroy can help a lot of people. The "I can't believe it is happening to me" syndrome really needs to be studied. Those few seconds are crucial. The most vulnerable time for an attacker is at the beginning of the attack BEFORE he has established control. That is when you need to be proactive...NEVER NEVER stop to ask, "why is this happening to me"--it is a pointless question start thinking and start acting. Also, major point to everyone "Paying attention literally saved me from being raped" REALLY IMPORTANT--if something doesn't seem feel right, it isn't. Get to a safe position and assess what is going on.

Lastly, the time warp syndrome is well known reaction to stress. There is some work being done in this area in of all places (of course) sports. USA softball team did some neat stuff in this area Your mind can process information much faster than it normally does. When in a crisis, it kicks it up a notch but because your conscious is not use to that level of processing, it appears that everything slows down. Pretty neat when you think about it---if you could move ten times faster than everyone else, they would appear in slow motion to a detached observer---In the D-Day scene in Saving Private Ryan, they make it appear that the world closes in--now I have never been in anything like that, but my experience and what I trained my self to, is that the world opens up and I see and process a much broader perspective---


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