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Tom, sorry no...what I was asking is..

Posted by Brenda~QMIH~ on 9/2/2005, 23:30:46, in reply to "obsolutely"
before I digressed so badly...
It seemed like the situation we worked on was a stranger attack...I am wondering, since attacks most often happen to women by someone they know, if the dynamics would be different...I was totally thinking stranger when I was answering...and I know better...now I am stumped on what to do if someone I know attacks me...Would the same principals (besides the stay calm/think ones), because most of the time if it is someone you know you don't expect it, but you (meaning women) are taught to be very caustious around strangers...should and could we do something different....see this is the trouble with epiphanies:)
and also, writing down your comments about:
1) It is your fury to live...meaning? think of something you need to live for? such as my children and get really pissed that there is even a slight possibility that he would take me away from them...that would be my fury...now I have that in my mind...just in case
2) fight like a dead woman....because you are as soon as you leave that spot...made the most impact on me....sure everyone says don't get into the vehicle...no ones ever said you are dead if you do...good motivation....thanks again...


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