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Clarifying Q's 1a. What is your position at this firm? 1b. Are you the Owner/ Operator? 2. Is...

Posted by Mary on 2/24/2006, 17:30:23, in reply to "Wyatt--i adore you!"
the original Q based on new employee inculcation only? (Group Orientations - you went to Quarterly Employee & invited Contractors Meetings which are something else again. Confused me in regards to topic.)

Mainly those Q's and the Q's below are facetious - what are the answers to you/the company and what are the applicable answers you see now. If you do not have the answers yet or in your sights, refine your Q's.

Part of you challenge....
A) What are we missing? Is this in regards to the Main Q or in regards to all things to do with this business & or the corporations goals? If that's the case this is another topic all together...
B) Where's the WOW etc...

Biggest Tip I Can Give .... what is the point/goal/mission statement?

The corporate purpose should be clear and simple to communicate. The same clarity is critical on an individual employee/purpose/function level. A clear understanding of these things can then allow for measurable movement towards achievement or for modification of plans if they are not achieving the desired results.... again all of which are critical tools in the ultimate achievement and accomplishment of a/the goal.

i.e. You Jump Parachutes Manufacturers - We're There When You Need Us! (Pretty Clear, every employee can say it and explain the company and it's primary goal with that statement.) So does your firm have one and does every employee know it and use it? Prove It! Have someone call the receptionist and ask - what is your company or what does your company do? Then go beyond the receptionist to other departments and staff ... ask the same Q's. Ask the Q's at your new hire meetings and or Qtrly meetings. Throw it out to a contractor and see what they say. The A's you get or don't get should help in regards to A & B.

Take it to another level from the corporate message ...have the individual personalizes it to their area of expertise.... the shipping dept... would add to that .... I'm the one that gets the parachute to you where you want it and when you want it, the accounting dept... we manage costs... we think you should get more jumps for your dollar.

That is my 2 cents worth.


Temporarily archived without permission from Suzanne Brockmann's Message Board.
Contact Donna if questions or concerns.