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Ya know

Posted by Tracy Y on 2/18/2006, 12:32:44, in reply to "Tom I have really tried to follow your advice"
I was pondering that - how exactly to "get yourself a man" - and I thought, "What, she's supposed to order one on QVC???"

But then I thought - ya know, Tom also said, "whichever is easier" - and men aren't always easy - to live with, that is. But you can't just order a dog, either. And then you'd still have to feed him and walk him - more work than I'd want to take on during a storm.

So basically, you're screwed - only not in a good way. I'm doubting the value of the advice you received. I think you'll get more satisfaction and enjoyment from a good book. In which case, you're back at square one. :D

I'm praying for you, Kristy. :) Hope you fare the storm well! Take care!


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