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HEY...you can't give commands in my name....

Posted by Brenda on 2/17/2006, 17:54:36, in reply to "Need more duct tape!"

But anyway...I don't mind so much if you keep him trussed up....I just felt kinda sorry for the little guy...all that duct tape....
but if you feel the need for that much...far be it for me to interfer...you are the Girl Scout leader afterall...and SuperT did mess up your "do....
just make sure he can still breath....don't want to kill the poor dear....we may need him for something later on....not sure what...but you never know...
what if we need someone to drink someone else under the table???

and you are right about the Girl Scouts...TRY, TRY....oh shut up and git R' done!!!!

and although he insulted poor defenseless Kerrit...I really don't think we should mess with the man's drink....THAT could get fugly...and FAST!!!
And once he gets out of the duct tape (I have no doubt he will:)....you may get more that a new BC and PT....YIKES.....as the man said....YOU WILL GET THE BEAR!!!


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