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I know, I know, I would argue with a wall...

Posted by Andrea on 2/17/2006, 9:21:03, in reply to "Um --- no ... not really ...."
Anyway. I COMPLETELY AGREE THAT SCUM SUCKING KILLERS AND RAPISTS should be summarily eviscerated (darn that eighth amendment anyway).

However, while we are not talking about people rounded up at the local Denny's because of their skin color, we ARE talking about enemy combatants.

This means they may have not actually killed anyone. They may have only aided and abetted (a crime indeed). They may also only have been at the wrong place at the wrong time in the foothills of Afghanistan, but the whole problem is...stripping them of basic rights such as informing them of their crimes decreases the credibility of the actions of the United States in this "war on terror."

What you are describing is convicted (as in they had a trial, they were informed of their rights and crimes, they had a lawyer, etc.) criminals versus people SUSPECTED of crimes.

Look, if they are found guilty send them to Sing Sing for all I care, but at least give them a process. And even if the speed with which it takes place is slower than American courts (though how that could happen is beyond me!) at least they have the GLIMMER of a possibility.

Frankly I'd rather be in Gitmo than Sing Sing any day.

What I believe is you have the right to a fair trial. YOU DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO GO FREE.

Personally, I think there is a discontent in the Criminal Justice system among the populace, so hearing that terrorists will go on trial is a precursor to...terrorists will go free by twisting the law and making the US look like the bad guys in a sympathetic foreign court.

/rant :)


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