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Please issues rather than stereotypes

Posted by Laura T on 2/16/2006, 19:19:58, in reply to "Let's rephrase :Not "
Not all southern constituents are "tobbacco chewing, gun toting, white pointed hat wearing when the occasion permits, good ole boys." In fact many Southen men have served their country to protect your right to insult them. If you think all Oklahomans in any way supported Timothy McVey's "right" to slaughter innocent men, women and children, then let me be the one to say they did not. Incredible amounts of money were spent to protect McVey from the public. I feel confident in saying he would not have lasted on the streets and that whomever did break the law to end his life would have gladly paid the price. This information I learned from numerous Oklahomans and newspaper articles. Southern does not mean stupid or racist. I'm all for people sharing their views but respectfully request stereotyping and name calling can be kept out of the debate.


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