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Depends on what you're looking for

Posted by Tracy Y on 2/15/2006, 17:36:33, in reply to "Why can't I find any hot guys? "
A good guy is a lot more than goodlooking.

And when you're in college, you should be dating all kinds of guys - see what kinds of guys you like, how you prefer to be treated, what kinds of relationships you like.

Think of it as your information gathering time - so that when you are ready to make a decision, then you have all the data you need to make a good one.

Also - remember that you are CHOOSING someone, not just being chosen. Not all the good ones are taken. I have a 34 yr old single brother, who is very good looking, and an awesome guy. He's still single cuz he hasn't found the right girl yet. It's not worth it to settle. Make sure you get what you want!


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