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Well, why didn't you say I got to sit there in the shade....got any rum and lemonade?

Posted by Brenda on 2/15/2006, 14:34:57, in reply to "You had a chance to lead"
but still if one of them gets a run in a thigh high...YOU are buying them new ones....those things are expensive!!!!!!!

and while you are out, how about picking up some chocolate and pizza for us??

AND BTW.....I AM A GREAT LEADER....if you notice...half of them refused to PT and the other half refused to come get you before 3pm....HA!!!!
the other halves are sitting around laughing at us....and the rest of them are eating chocolate..see what I have to work with?
wouldn't you be skeered??? Valeslined grenades...helmets that don't fit...duct tape....giggling...eyelash batting...snagged hose...crying and wailing...(oh wait that was you:)....well, you get the picture...

I am in the half that is going to leave your sorry butt behind if you don't get outta my way:)
and I mean that in the nicest way!! REALLY


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