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Posted by Brenda on 2/15/2006, 13:12:58, in reply to "Those who too part in last nights lawlessness--you know who you are"
(ha...I like saying scurvy and maggots...has a nice ring to it don't you think?,,,, WELLLLLL, I DON"T HEAR YOU)

NOw then imagine my utter surprise...as I wake up from my "oh dear god let this migraine go away" nap and see that "LT" commander T. Rancich is trying to usurp my postion.....
MR RANCICH...MAY I REMIND YOU SIR, THAT there are the intitials..." C and O" after my name....I do believe that I OUTRANK you....NOW THEN for your little act of insubordination....drop down and give me 100 then stay in the lean AND rest...till I get back to ya!!!! WELLLLLLL SUPER SEAL GO GO GO and while your down there...how about you tell us all what Ole Misery is?? Gasping like a beached fish already???? tsk tsk...getting soft there Sir....GETTING SOFT

NOW then for the rest of you turn coats...I turn my back for 2 hours and I come back to find you all doing PT BEFORE lunch.....WHERE is your dignity...were is your moral rightesnous??? HAVE YOU no PRIDE??????? EVERYONE knows that it is not safe to sweat before lunch....why aren't you all out getting manicures, pedicures and massages?????? ANd I swear if I hear one person here say that they have put a snag in their thigh highs...you will be doing laps around the Hummer till you are all dizzy....AND were did you all leave your EDW's while you were doing this PT????
So what have you all done????? LT starts barking and you all drop and crawl???? PLEASE tell me you were all crawling to get a nice new pair of shiny combat boots or at the very least a cafe au lait?????

I am going to let Megan slide on this one...she is new afterall....and MANDY and AMY of course you may play also....I am writing you down in my book...and holding you both up as shining examples BTW!!!!

Which reminds me....all of you who grabbed shovels and started digging.....with comments like..."LH I was on the sidelines" "oh I was just watching"....AH HA!!!!!!!!
You all are now turned in to Hood Ornaments....I am releasing Mr. Pretty boy from the duct tape and taking him inside the Hummer with me....so there....

Now don't you all have something to say to me????? sniff....I'm waiting...

LT....I CAN'T hear you...........give me 100 more of those...Um, whatever those are called...then go finish baking those sugar cookies....we need them to go with our cafe au lait...and NO FRUITCAKE....geesh whoever heard of actually making fruitcake....

BBC CO Bliss


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