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See, I was wondering about that...Lisa sent me one..

Posted by Brenda on 2/12/2006, 21:53:09, in reply to "I am not sure why or where..."
that has no "colorful" language and I thought..."YEAH RIGHT!"....no swearing at all
and it is the Navy SEALS run to cadence...not sure where Lisa got it...she made me a copy...which I will forever be grateful for:) THANKS LISA!!!!

When I go out....my buddies they all say
how ya earn your livin' how ya earn your pay
I reply in a very loud tone
I earn my livin' in the surf zone...

when I go out the ladies they all say
how ya earn your livin' how ya earn your pay
I reply as I point to ma chest...I earn my livin' in the LEAN AND REST!!!!!!!

and may I just say...reading this does nothing for the experience of actually hearing it...
just something about all those male voices singing togehter that gives me shivers:)


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