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Re: Tom another Q please if you have time.

Posted by tom on 2/2/2006, 12:58:17, in reply to "Tom another Q please if you have time."
What I'm curious about is it mandatory for officers to be in a staff postion or postions at some point in their time in the teams ?
-Yes--that is one of the "hidden" facts of being an officer--if you are enlisted you can be an operator your whole career. As an O you have to do staff tours and--frightenly, the higher you want to go--the more experience and better staff officer you ought to be.

Is it seen as an advantageous career move? Yes--mandatory.

Is their a wish list of sorts? It is really pretty much wrought--first staff tour is usually at a minor staff (Capt-Colonel Command) The others are usually flag staffs.

Is it your choice of when or does it follow a natural progression? You have some choice--but it is usually about trying to avoid the Pentagon or a FOUR star staff as long asd possible :)

How does it affect the Team when they get a new commander? Depends on the Commander(s). If the outgoing guy was well liked, then the new guy usually has a bit of a hard time living up--if it is the other way, the new guy usually has trouble getting people to trust him--all in all, unless things were estatically god or miserably bad, switching commanders has minimul effect.
Also just curious can you/have you done tandem parachute jumps? I have not--requires a lengthy special school that I was never that interested in.


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