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why yes...yes I would....

Posted by Brenda on 1/11/2006, 19:05:49, in reply to "you calling me fat?"
move to CA....just as soon as I pack...I will be there....

Dear lord Pork chop....I am laughing so hard I almost can't type....

And may I just say...not only are you a super intelligent woman, but you have a rapier like wit that amuses me greatly.... to add to your grandness I am postive you are lovely of face and form, not to mention what a great GIFT giver you are...(be still my fluttering heart)....(that was the suck up part of the post;)....

Now that that is out of the way....I don't think Super T is scared...mrah ha ha ha although, really he SHOULD be:)....I am sure he will come back and answer your research questions in depth....if he could ONLY understand what you were saying!!!! You must make it simple and nothing that will set Homeland Insecurity email sniffing weasels on him...(code works best in these sorts of situations).....such as my "beggin' an a pleadin' fur" THE Tom to tell me how to blow something up:)....Why ever would he not tell me????? sigh.....
although he does tweak me once in awhile....so close and yet so far...do you know what BIP means?


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