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YEAH HA....Walk with me here pork chop....

Posted by brenda on 1/8/2006, 16:50:32, in reply to "NUH UH! Tom? THE Tom?"
I don't know if THE Tom is going to go for this whole scenerio...(still think my idea pf a SEAL Play Station game, was a good one....haven't heard back from Tom on that idea:)..but it sounds good to me....:) I am in,I have a dire need of a new cash flow...!!!!....
Oh and MIC the mouth....Tom is 5'9" don't know what his conjones are made of...but I think maybe he would need more than a flinty glare to kill....maybe, at least, a toothpick:)

I must STRENOUSLY disagree with the Bob Mayer idea......I love the blogs he does with JC...don't want to lose the blogs when THE Tom kicks his butt! There is a potential for broken fingers in that excerise..which would effect BOB/Bob's typing skills....think back to last month when Super SEAL burned his finger making fruitcake....(rolling eyes, who actually makes fruitcake, besides Grandma's????) Well, who besides Super SEAL!!!mrah hahahaha But, I digress....so Super SEAL says he burned his finger and can't type...that interrupts book/blog production, and we CAN'T have that!!!

(Where in the name of all that is holy did you find that shirt??? and what does the "T" stand for.....dang near snorted Dt. Mt. Dew out my nose)

bring it on Sista....I think for refreshments we should sell Black Seal Rum with Pink Lemonade:)
hic up.......


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