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Re: So yesterday I heard a thought provoking item on the radio...

Posted by Erika on 12/13/2005, 14:41:09, in reply to "So yesterday I heard a thought provoking item on the radio..."
I heard a news clip this morning where someone was identified as a "war critic" instead of as a "former military advisory to VP Cheney". In my mind the former is a way of downplaying the statement attributed to the person, and the latter would have added legitimacy to it. This is one way that information was manipulated this morning.

The quote was something about how we cannot win militarily in Iraq. They gave the president's awkward but forceful rebuttal about quitters never win or similar, but failed to point out that the adjective "military" is the key point of this statement. According to many people I've heard now, they believe this to be true - its politics and diplomacy that will "win" Iraq, not the might or efforts of the military. This statement also doesn't mean preemptorily pulling troops - it means that the politics have to be favorable to win and we can't rely on our military. The reporting of this sucked all the way around.

It struck me profoundly, though, how labelling the person you're quoting tells more of a story than the quote itself.


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