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Re: Has anyone read "One Bullet Away"?

Posted by Kathryn in DC on 12/9/2005, 18:42:11, in reply to "Has anyone read "
Erika - I agree 100% with your post - except the "not tall" part. We were practically eye level and he was sitting down at the time. Yes, I know I'm short.

Anyway, the book was terrific - thoughtfully written and visual. FYI - I found some really interesting reviews of it on Amazon, including some from his men and one from a person mentioned [not by name] in the book.

So glad you got to go and hear Nate speak about his experiences. Very well spoken young man. I heard him at Politics and Prose in DC - yes same event with Karen, Michelle, Tina and Shannon. Michelle actually gave me a heads up on the book - thank you, Michelle!

VERY cute. And his family was there and you could tell they are oh so proud of him [with considerable cause].

Glad I bought three copies of the book - two as gifts of military men I know.


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